The DR4 is a vertical application windlass perfect for boats with limited deck space. The base is composed of AISI stainless steel and anodized aluminum in hard oxide. This unit comes in different variations such as with or without the drum capstan for rope retrieval as well as various gypsy sizes for rope and chain retrieval. It is equipped with an emergency manual lift system so you can easily retrieve your anchor during instances when you may lose battery power on your boat
-Vertikalna vitla
-Baza od nehrđajućeg čelika AISI316 i eloksiranog aluminija od tvrdog oksida
-Sa i bez bubnja
-Uže i lanac na jednom gypsy
-Integrirani senzor i magnet za
-lančani brojač
-Ručni sustav slobodnog pada
-Ručni sustav za podizanje u hitnim slučajevima
-Isporučuje se s polugom za pritisak
-Inspekcijski poklopac
-IP67 vodootporan motor (1500-1700 W)